What is it? | Higgy's On The Track is hosting a 9 Hour Motorcycle Endurance Event to raise money for Charity |
How does it work? | Riders will do laps around the motorsport circuit for 9 hours non-stop, raising funds for every lap they complete.
The format will be 15 teams, with each team consisting of three riders and one motorcycle to share between them.
The 15 teams start accumulating laps at 9AM and ride until 6PM when all teams finish their final lap. |
Event Date: | Monday, August 4th, 2025 |
Location: | Vancouver Island Motorsports Circuit 4063 Cowichan Valley Hwy, Duncan, BC V9L 6K4 |
Hours: | Gates Open to Spectators at 8AM.
The event will be open to the public.
Riders are on track completing laps from 9AM to 6PM. |
Amenities: |
Parking: | FREE! Cars and Bikes welcome. There will be a special motorcycle parking area for the Event. |
Our Mission: CBIS promotes understanding and rehabilitation to "ALL" affected with brain injury by providing education, support and services during their lifespan.
The Cowichan Brain Injury Society is a place where everyone can be themselves. We offer an innovative post-rehabilitation and community-based peer support initiative, called "Let's Connect". It provides a welcoming environment to connect, contribute and learn. It’s all about peers teaching peers. Together they are stronger. Peer supporters listen, provide emotional support, and inspire hope. The program emphasizes health and wellness while empowering brain injury survivors toward occupation or meaning after injury. The focus is on who we are as people – spirit, mind and body. Brain injury survivors come to build friendships, receive support, link up with valuable community resources, and explore life interests.
Primary causes of acquired brain injury are tumors, trauma, stroke, hypoxia/anoxia, alcohol related and other toxins, infection as well as degenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis & Huntington’s). The brain controls everything we think, feel and do, as well as how we move, what we smell and what we see. Everything about us is controlled by our brain.
Studies show the brain is capable of changing through neuroplasticity; the natural ability of the brain to reorganize and rewire functions over to new, healthy parts of the brain after injury. New neurons require support from other neurons to survive. More practice and repetition helps to strengthen the connection. Neuroplasticity is nothing without meaningful engagement, focus on specific tasks, and your hard work. There is no quick fix, but what it does mean is that it doesn’t matter if it’s been two months or two decades since your brain injury which includes stroke: practice can spark new changes in your brain and improvements in function. Recovery is usually life-long requiring hard work and lots of commitment. It will not be easy and will probably be the hardest thing you will ever do.
CBIS is on a campaign to raise awareness and funds to support community-based brain injury programs for the Cowichan area. We want everyone to know there is life after brain injury. After all, if you don’t know a brain injury survivor yourself, then you probably know someone who loves one.
The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association provides therapeutic riding and equine-based therapeutic services for persons with disabilities. We promote and facilitate access to horses as a therapeutic alternative, recreational/sport opportunity, and agent of well-being in the lives of all participants. Through the power of the human-equine bond, CTRA brings together individuals, families, and the community in the spirit of healing, inclusion, and human growth.
CTRA exists as a place where the human-equine relationship creates opportunities for achievement and positive human experiences.
What We DO
The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association began in 1986 as a small branch of Pacific Riding for the Disabled, running two classes per week on borrowed horses working with riders from a special needs school of the area. After several years and great support from community, CTRA became a tenant of Providence Farm and expanded to a full-time operation. Today, CTRA delivers a variety of programs. Our participants are supported with a small herd of specialized therapy horses, multiple volunteers, and highly-trained instructors who are certified in a multitude of disciplines through Equine Canada, Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association, BC Therapeutic Riding and more.
CTRA is certified under the Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association as an Accredited Examination and Training Centre. We hold a high standard for safety, operations, horse care and more. In addition, many of our instructors hold, or are working towards additional certifications. This array of knowledge allows us to offer a wide variety of programming, tailored to each individual participant to work towards their own health, riding, competition, and/or horsemanship goals. The benefits of Therapeutic Riding, Therapeutic Horsemanship, and Equine Assisted Learning include improved physical, emotional and social wellness . Since we use horses as our partners in the therapeutic process, participants also gain riding skills, greater horsemanship knowledge and skills, and foster a connection with our equine friends.
The CMHA Cowichan Valley Branch's new Youth Emergency Shelter (YES) has been created to provide a safe place for youth. Here, youth can find caring youth workers to listen while providing the basics, such as a warm meal, medical attention, a warm shower and some clean clothes. During this time, they can share what they need and be directed to other resources in the community. Most importantly, YES will serve as a soft place to land in hard times. YES hopes to provide the vital connection needed to change the course of young lives and act as a detour from a potential life on the streets.
The CMHA CVB is excited that funds raised from events since 2022 have been used as a down payment on the purchase of a home in Duncan that will be used as a Youth Emergency Shelter serving 15-18-year-olds. We are excited to welcome youth through the doors and provide a safe, warm place for them to call home. There are three components to this program:
CMHA Cowichan Valley Branch has a significant mortgage to pay down and will need additional funding to develop programs and provide resources for youth staying in the shelter.
100% of donation money raised is going directly to the Charities.
Higgy's On the Track Contact:
Mark Higginbottom